Minnehaha and Lake Shared Visions
The Minnehaha and Lake area is home to retail and other commerce, both big and small. Much of the surrounding area is a functional mix of light industrial and residential
Here’s a map of properties and businesses impacted by the uprising
The new Market Square space will be the home of the Midtown Farmers Market and the heart of the Minnehaha and Lake area.
The new space will be activated and programmed by the Corcoran Neighborhood Association and the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board. First Independence Bank will open in the ground floor space facing the Square.
Minnehaha and Lake Priorities
Facilitate ways to work together to support development projects so they can move forward
Explore ways to bring water and electricity to spaces being activated
Partner with Allina to explore a shared parking strategy at the East Lake Clinic
Determine, fund, and empower a single liaison for programming space to simplify the permitting process & make it user-friendly
Identify funding for the Parks Board an Corcoran Neighborhood to program & staff Market Square
Create a strategy for the 3rd Precinct site