Corridor-Wide Shared Visions

Up Next | Moving from Vision to Action

Members of the Area Leadership Teams are working to get support and advance the strategies they developed to ensure the Lake Street Alignment process successfully moves from vision to action

  • Identify and fund a collaborative structure with project management support that can focus on implementation

  • Use the Vision-to-Action Matrix to guide implementation of community plans as well as collective accountability

  • Determine how local and state government, philanthropy, and funders will integrate into the implementation structure

  • Recognize where that structure can be housed

  • Collaborate on a corridor-wide funding strategy

  • Continue the Lake Street Alignment work

A Closer Look

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Corridor-Wide Guiding Principles

Area Leadership Teams and the corridor-wide Guidance and Outreach Committee developed 9 Guiding Principles for the Lake Street Alignment process in October 2021 —

What We Heard | Corridor-Wide Summary


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